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Health and Wellbeing

EFT was introduced by Gary Craig, a Stanford Engineering graduate in Life long pursuit of personal Well-being.

EFT is his latest finding, the core of which he learned from Dr Roger Callahan. Craig is a master Practitioner Nuero Linguistic Programming (NLP).

How it Works

Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, EFT is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body's energy system, without the discomfort of needles. Unlike other energy healing methods, EFT incorporates an emotional element to the healing process, addressing unresolved emotional issues as a likely cause of physical disease, psychological dysfunction, and performance limits.

Negative emotional experiences disrupt the energy meridians that run through our body. The physical changes we feel from those disruptions, like anxiety depression become attached to the memory of that experience and affect the way we see the world.. .until we heal that disruption. Properly applied, EFT quickly realigns the energy meridians with respect to negative memories, disconnects the physical discomfort that we attach to it, And quiet often removes the resulting symptoms.

What can it help?

Emotional Challenges
Anxiety Anger Management
Panic Attacks Children's Behaviour
Bereavement All fear related Issues
Severe Trauma Sexual Abuse
Addictions Domestic Violence
Relationship Issues Phobias
Post Traumatic Stress And much More....
Personal Performance
Weight Loss
Business and career Goals
Educational Problems, e.g. ADHD, Dyslexia and others
Self-confidence, self-esteem and self-acceptance
Getting out of a Rut
And more....
Physical Disease
Migraine Fibromyalgia
Pain Management Eye Conditions
ME/MS (chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Allergies
Multiple Chemical Sensitivies Cancer
Hypertension And many others....

What to expect from an EFT session

Your practitioner will always be understanding. Your emotions, worries or fears are acceptable just as they are, however annoying or illogical they may seem to you. You will be thought to gently tap them away, often for good. You will also learn where the point is for you to work on.

Your consultation is entirely confidential, however if you are not comfortable talking about a particular issue, there are techniques available that provide the opportunity for you to clear your emotions or limiting beliefs without sharing the details.

It is a good idea to drink plenty of water before and during your session and to allow time to take things easy for a while afterwards.

An EFT session in person lasts in the region of 90 minutes depending on the individual. Telephone sessions last for about 60 minutes.


You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner if considering discontinuing any prescribed medical treatments / drugs or if you have any concerns about trying EFT to help a medical condition. While EFT has had Remarkable clinical results, it must be still considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

Further Information

All relevant information on EFT go to and type the relevant problem into the search box on the site. You will find a wealth of varied articles on how EFT can work for each condition.

To book an appointment


or call

01323 412603 



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