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Welcome to Lucy Creen

I realised at an early age that I had a special gift and was very sensitive to people's emotions and energies, which I never understood as a child. For years I never did anything with it until I learned to develop those skills both on a psychic and healing level.

I always use my intuition to help clients enhance their lives by using complementary therapies and healing.

On a psychic level I use my gifts to empower clients with the information and tools needed to help them make the right choices in life.

My readings are non-predictive but accurate and can help you to achieve your true potential in all areas of your life.

I work with your angels and loved ones who are present at the reading and pass their messages and information to you.

I can help you understand deeply and choose wisely.

My hours are 10.00am to 10:00pm.

I am a gifted psychic and spiritual guide.
I can help you to understand the challenges we face in life.
I see the solutions which bring us to being healed, whole and happy.
Together we can work on specific questions which will help you to make clear decisions.



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